Irrigation Services

Irrigation Installation & Maintenance in Charlotte, NC

As Charlotte natives, we know that our weather is one thing: unpredictable. Record rainfall, lengthy droughts, hurricanes, and even the rare snowstorm—Charlotte’s temperamental climate really puts your lawn to the test, especially when it comes to irrigation. Knowing when and how much to water or when there’s a drainage problem can feel like a guessing game. Our Charlotte drainage and irrigation installation services take the guesswork out of watering.

At MetroGreenscape, we provide comprehensive lawn care packages that include irrigation maintenance, ensuring that every element of your landscaping works together and works well. A healthy lawn means knowing when to water and how to drain before problems arise. That’s why we implement strategies like irrigation system installation and maintenance, French drains, and catch basins as part of our drainage solutions. We may not be able to predict the weather, but we can make sure your lawn is prepared for it.

Planning Tips

Planning for Irrigation Success

If your strategy for lawn irrigation is turning on the sprinkler, it’s time for an upgrade. In Charlotte, proper irrigation and drainage vary based on your grass type, soil density, sun exposure, and the time of year. Paired with our other lawn maintenance services, our team will analyze your lawn and create a custom solution to make yours the best, healthiest yard on the block and keep it that way.

Irrigation sprinkler watering lawn
Charlotte irrigation
Helpful Information

Top 4 Things to Know About Charlotte Irrigation

Ensuring your lawn receives the right level of moisture is an exact science that requires an expert—that’s where we come in. But there are a few things you should know about irrigation systems in Charlotte:


Too Much or Too Little Water Are Equally Problematic

We all recognize the unsightly signs of a dry lawn like brown, brittle grass, but lawn mushrooms, fast-growing weeds, and a spongy surface are all signs your lawn is waterlogged. While dry lawns are unattractive, wet ones can attract pests like mosquitos, and the resulting moisture can even damage your home’s siding or foundation.


Many Charlotte Lawns Are Naturally Soggy

Clay-heavy soils like Charlotte’s retain water and cultivate a dense layer of topsoil that makes it hard for grass and plants to thrive. That’s why you need a professional irrigation specialist to help you install an irrigation system that will give your lawn only the water it needs.


Unprofessional Irrigation Can Harm Your Yard and the Environment

Sure, watering your lawn seems easy, but doing so carelessly could be detrimental to more than just your own yard. Overwatering can damage your grass, and it can also create runoff that carries pollution like pet waste and fertilizer into our storm sewers, which run directly into local rivers and lakes.


Irrigation Winterization Is Important (Even in Charlotte)

We may be lucky to have mild winters, but that doesn’t mean you can skip winterizing your irrigation system in Charlotte. Even if you drain your system, lingering water can freeze and crack your pipes. Our annual maintenance packages can include irrigation winterization so that you’re ready to go come springtime.

How We Can Help

MetroGreenscape Irrigation Services

At MetroGreenscape, we hold ourselves accountable for our work. There are a lot of variables at play in your lawn, and we believe our comprehensive approach ensures success. While we don’t offer irrigation as a standalone service, we do offer irrigation system services in Charlotte, NC, as part of our comprehensive packages.

Irrigation Installation

Paired with our award-winning landscape or hardscape design, a new, well-planned irrigation system will maintain your picture-perfect lawn.

Irrigation Reconfiguring

Whether to support new landscaping or alleviate drainage issues, we can reconfigure your existing irrigation system for efficiency and effectiveness.

Irrigation Maintenance

Our annual maintenance packages can include irrigation services, including winterization, to keep your Charlotte lawn flourishing year-round.

Request an Irrigation Estimate Today

We’re proud to provide customers with effective irrigation installation and maintenance in Charlotte, NC, when paired with our other service lines and as part of our signature comprehensive service approach. If you’re looking for a stand-alone irrigation company in Charlotte, we’re happy to point you in the right direction.

Seasonal Advice

Caring for your Irrigation System Throughout the Year

With more than 20 years of experience and as the top-ranking among Charlotte landscapers, we are your trusted resource for all things lawn care. If you have more questions about irrigation systems in Charlotte, NC, check out our blog or give us a call. We’re here to answer your questions about your lawn so that you can get back to enjoying it.


Winter is hard on your lawn, especially your irrigation system. Spring is the season to fix any damage done by old man winter, like replacing damaged sprinkler heads or frozen, broken pipes. It’s also a great time to sort out any issues in your irrigation system, like sprinkler head adjustment or controller reprogramming.


Summer is your irrigation system’s time to shine, which means it’s important that it’s in tip-top shape. Your sprinkler heads should be regularly checked for debris like pebbles, dirt, or sand, which could hamper the regular water flow. Our annual maintenance packages include check-ups for your Charlotte irrigation system in its busiest season.


Preparing for the months ahead, fall is the time for irrigation winterization in Charlotte. Professional winterization with precise, controlled air pressure will help prevent damage to pipes, valves, rotors, and sprinkler heads that can be caused by frozen water left in the system during winter.


If your irrigation system has been winterized and turned off, you won’t have to worry about it until spring. If not and the temperature is predicted to dip below freezing, you should turn off your system and flush out any standing water, though the only way to guarantee the pipes are clear is with professional winterization.

Flowers planted by MetroGreenscape in Monroe NC
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